Thursday, December 15, 2022

What To Do When Falsely Accused of a Crime?


Defense Against False Accusations of a Crime

Midlothian, United States - November 28, 2022 /McCarty-Larson, PLLC/

Conviction of a crime is something nobody wants. It entails high fines, jail or prison time, and a criminal record that alters life forever. Being falsely accused of a crime is a harrowing experience. Anyone falsely accused of a crime must immediately contact a criminal defense lawyer to avoid the following dangers.

Though it can be difficult to believe, false accusations can be motivated by jealousy, revenge, or anger. Domestic or marital problems can also lead to false allegations of domestic violence. A similar situation can be created when there is a property dispute or bitter child custody battle during a divorce. Even when the falsely accused person knows they are innocent, it is turmoil, and there is a probability that they may be found guilty. This false accusation of crime must be met with immediate action, the first step of which is to meet a criminal defense lawyer. McCarty-Larson, PLLC in Midlothian, TX, offers criminal defense for the people of Ellis County and surrounding areas. This criminal defense attorney protects clients' rights in any criminal matter. McCarty-Larson, PLLC shares what people falsely accused of a crime can do.

Legal representation must be sought when there is an accusation of crime, even when it is false. A criminal defense lawyer will assess the case and educate the person on their legal rights. The criminal attorney may try different strategies based on the situation.

When a crime has not been charged yet

The criminal lawyer can take a proactive step of intervention. The lawyer discusses the defense of their client with the prosecutor or law enforcement officer and shares evidence of the client's innocence.

Taking no action is a passive but effective response. A defense attorney may adopt this strategy when convinced that the prosecutor does not have enough evidence to charge the client with the crime. 

When there is a formal charge of crime

The criminal attorney investigates the alleged crime. The strengths and weaknesses in the case charged by the prosecutor are examined in the investigation. It includes the evidence collected and the witnesses against the client. The criminal lawyer also assesses what defense can be argued and which expert witnesses can be retained in favor of the client.

plea agreement may be entered into with the prosecutor to avoid a harsh sentence by accepting a lesser charge. 

What to do in addition

After a criminal defense lawyer is hired and the defense strategy is chalked out, any evidence must be gathered. The evidence can include anything that proves the accused's whereabouts, activities, and movements during the time of the alleged crime. Evidence may include clothing, photographs, correspondence records, documents, receipts, GPS data from phones and vehicles, witnesses, CCTV footage, etc.

What not to do when falsely accused of a crime

Some actions can worsen the case against the accused. So the following activities must be avoided at all costs: 

  • Destroying evidence that seems to be against the accused.
  • Any contact or conversation with the victims of the crime or witnesses.
  • Talking to the police, investigators, or prosecutor in the absence of the criminal defense lawyer hired.
  • Giving consent to the police for any test, including DNA, when the criminal attorney is not present. 

When facing false accusations of crime in Ellis County and surrounding areas in Texas, McCarty-Larson, PLLC provides reliable criminal defense. With the experience of the criminal defense attorney as a former prosecutor and police officer, the firm has insight into how the machinery operates and strategizes accordingly. When people find themselves on the wrong side of criminal law, even when accusations are false, they can contact McCarty-Larson, PLLC in Midlothian, TX, by phone on (972) 775-2100.

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